001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
007     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
008     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
018    /*
019     * $Id: ExtensionHandlerGeneral.java 469672 2006-10-31 21:56:19Z minchau $
020     */
021    package org.apache.xalan.extensions;
023    import java.io.IOException;
024    import java.io.InputStream;
025    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
026    import java.net.URL;
027    import java.net.URLConnection;
028    import java.util.Hashtable;
029    import java.util.Vector;
031    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
033    import org.apache.xml.res.XMLErrorResources;
034    import org.apache.xml.res.XMLMessages;
036    import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLMessages;
037    import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources;
038    import org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement;
039    import org.apache.xalan.templates.Stylesheet;
040    import org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl;
041    import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator;
042    import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeList;
043    import org.apache.xml.utils.StringVector;
044    import org.apache.xml.utils.SystemIDResolver;
045    import org.apache.xpath.XPathProcessorException;
046    import org.apache.xpath.functions.FuncExtFunction;
047    import org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject;
049    /**
050     * Class handling an extension namespace for XPath. Provides functions
051     * to test a function's existence and call a function
052     *
053     * @author Sanjiva Weerawarana (sanjiva@watson.ibm.com)
054     * @xsl.usage internal
055     */
056    public class ExtensionHandlerGeneral extends ExtensionHandler
057    {
059      /** script source to run (if any)      */
060      private String m_scriptSrc;   
062      /** URL of source of script (if any)         */
063      private String m_scriptSrcURL;  
065      /** functions of namespace        */
066      private Hashtable m_functions = new Hashtable();  
068      /** elements of namespace         */
069      private Hashtable m_elements = new Hashtable();   
071      // BSF objects used to invoke BSF by reflection.  Do not import the BSF classes
072      // since we don't want a compile dependency on BSF.
074      /** BSF manager used to run scripts */
075      private Object m_engine;
077      /** Engine call to invoke scripts */
078      private Method m_engineCall = null;
080      // static fields
082      /** BSFManager package name */
083      private static String BSF_MANAGER ;
085      /** Default BSFManager name */
086      private static final String DEFAULT_BSF_MANAGER = "org.apache.bsf.BSFManager";
088      /** Property name to load the BSFManager class */
089      private static final String propName = "org.apache.xalan.extensions.bsf.BSFManager";
091      /** Integer Zero */
092      private static final Integer ZEROINT = new Integer(0);
094      static{
095              BSF_MANAGER =  ObjectFactory.lookUpFactoryClassName(propName, null, null);
097              if (BSF_MANAGER == null){
098                      BSF_MANAGER = DEFAULT_BSF_MANAGER;               
099              }          
100      }
102      /**
103       * Construct a new extension namespace handler given all the information
104       * needed.
105       *
106       * @param namespaceUri the extension namespace URI that I'm implementing
107       * @param elemNames Vector of element names
108       * @param funcNames    string containing list of functions of extension NS
109       * @param scriptLang Scripting language of implementation
110       * @param scriptSrcURL URL of source script
111       * @param scriptSrc    the actual script code (if any)
112       * @param systemId
113       *
114       * @throws TransformerException
115       */
116      public ExtensionHandlerGeneral(
117              String namespaceUri, StringVector elemNames, StringVector funcNames, String scriptLang, String scriptSrcURL, String scriptSrc, String systemId)
118                throws TransformerException
119      {
121        super(namespaceUri, scriptLang);
123        if (elemNames != null)
124        {
125          Object junk = new Object();
126          int n = elemNames.size();
128          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
129          {
130            String tok = elemNames.elementAt(i);
132            m_elements.put(tok, junk);  // just stick it in there basically
133          }
134        }
136        if (funcNames != null)
137        {
138          Object junk = new Object();
139          int n = funcNames.size();
141          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
142          {
143            String tok = funcNames.elementAt(i);
145            m_functions.put(tok, junk);  // just stick it in there basically
146          }
147        }
149        m_scriptSrcURL = scriptSrcURL;
150        m_scriptSrc = scriptSrc;
152        if (m_scriptSrcURL != null)
153        {
154          URL url = null;
155          try{
156            url = new URL(m_scriptSrcURL);
157          }
158          catch (java.net.MalformedURLException mue)
159          {
160            int indexOfColon = m_scriptSrcURL.indexOf(':');
161            int indexOfSlash = m_scriptSrcURL.indexOf('/');
163            if ((indexOfColon != -1) && (indexOfSlash != -1)
164                && (indexOfColon < indexOfSlash))
165            {
166              // The url is absolute.
167              url = null;
168              throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_EXTERN_SCRIPT, new Object[]{m_scriptSrcURL}), mue); //"src attribute not yet supported for "
169              //+ scriptLang);
170            }
171            else
172            {
173              try{
174                url = new URL(new URL(SystemIDResolver.getAbsoluteURI(systemId)), m_scriptSrcURL);          
175              }        
176              catch (java.net.MalformedURLException mue2)
177              {
178                throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_EXTERN_SCRIPT, new Object[]{m_scriptSrcURL}), mue2); //"src attribute not yet supported for "
179              //+ scriptLang);
180              }
181            }
182          }
183          if (url != null)
184          {
185            try
186            {
187              URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
188              InputStream is = uc.getInputStream();
189              byte []bArray = new byte[uc.getContentLength()];
190              is.read(bArray);
191              m_scriptSrc = new String(bArray);
193            }
194            catch (IOException ioe)
195            {
196              throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_EXTERN_SCRIPT, new Object[]{m_scriptSrcURL}), ioe); //"src attribute not yet supported for "
197              //+ scriptLang);
198            }
199          }
201        }
203        Object manager = null;
204        try
205        {
206          manager = ObjectFactory.newInstance(
207            BSF_MANAGER, ObjectFactory.findClassLoader(), true);
208        }
209        catch (ObjectFactory.ConfigurationError e)
210        {
211          e.printStackTrace();
212        }
214        if (manager == null)
215        {
216          throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_CANNOT_INIT_BSFMGR, null)); //"Could not initialize BSF manager");
217        }
219        try
220        {
221          Method loadScriptingEngine = manager.getClass()
222            .getMethod("loadScriptingEngine", new Class[]{ String.class });
224          m_engine = loadScriptingEngine.invoke(manager,
225            new Object[]{ scriptLang });
227          Method engineExec = m_engine.getClass().getMethod("exec",
228            new Class[]{ String.class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Object.class });
230          // "Compile" the program
231          engineExec.invoke(m_engine,
232            new Object[]{ "XalanScript", ZEROINT, ZEROINT, m_scriptSrc });
233        }
234        catch (Exception e)
235        {
236          e.printStackTrace();
238          throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_CANNOT_CMPL_EXTENSN, null), e); //"Could not compile extension", e);
239        }
240      }
242      /**
243       * Tests whether a certain function name is known within this namespace.
244       * @param function name of the function being tested
245       * @return true if its known, false if not.
246       */
247      public boolean isFunctionAvailable(String function)
248      {
249        return (m_functions.get(function) != null);
250      }
252      /**
253       * Tests whether a certain element name is known within this namespace.
254       * @param element name of the element being tested
255       * @return true if its known, false if not.
256       */
257      public boolean isElementAvailable(String element)
258      {
259        return (m_elements.get(element) != null);
260      }
262      /**
263       * Process a call to a function.
264       *
265       * @param funcName Function name.
266       * @param args     The arguments of the function call.
267       * @param methodKey A key that uniquely identifies this class and method call.
268       * @param exprContext The context in which this expression is being executed.
269       *
270       * @return the return value of the function evaluation.
271       *
272       * @throws TransformerException          if parsing trouble
273       */
274      public Object callFunction(
275              String funcName, Vector args, Object methodKey, ExpressionContext exprContext)
276                throws TransformerException
277      {
279        Object[] argArray;
281        try
282        {
283          argArray = new Object[args.size()];
285          for (int i = 0; i < argArray.length; i++)
286          {
287            Object o = args.get(i);
289            argArray[i] = (o instanceof XObject) ? ((XObject) o).object() : o;
290            o = argArray[i];
291            if(null != o && o instanceof DTMIterator)
292            {
293              argArray[i] = new DTMNodeList((DTMIterator)o);
294            }
295          }
297          if (m_engineCall == null) {
298            m_engineCall = m_engine.getClass().getMethod("call",
299              new Class[]{ Object.class, String.class, Object[].class });
300          }
302          return m_engineCall.invoke(m_engine,
303            new Object[]{ null, funcName, argArray });
304        }
305        catch (Exception e)
306        {
307          e.printStackTrace();
309          String msg = e.getMessage();
311          if (null != msg)
312          {
313            if (msg.startsWith("Stopping after fatal error:"))
314            {
315              msg = msg.substring("Stopping after fatal error:".length());
316            }
318            // System.out.println("Call to extension function failed: "+msg);
319            throw new TransformerException(e);
320          }
321          else
322          {
324            // Should probably make a TRaX Extension Exception.
325            throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_CANNOT_CREATE_EXTENSN, new Object[]{funcName, e })); //"Could not create extension: " + funcName
326                                   //+ " because of: " + e);
327          }
328        }
329      }
331      /**
332       * Process a call to an XPath extension function
333       *
334       * @param extFunction The XPath extension function
335       * @param args The arguments of the function call.
336       * @param exprContext The context in which this expression is being executed.
337       * @return the return value of the function evaluation.
338       * @throws TransformerException
339       */
340      public Object callFunction(FuncExtFunction extFunction,
341                                 Vector args,
342                                 ExpressionContext exprContext)
343          throws TransformerException
344      {
345        return callFunction(extFunction.getFunctionName(), args, 
346                            extFunction.getMethodKey(), exprContext);
347      }
349      /**
350       * Process a call to this extension namespace via an element. As a side
351       * effect, the results are sent to the TransformerImpl's result tree.
352       *
353       * @param localPart      Element name's local part.
354       * @param element        The extension element being processed.
355       * @param transformer      Handle to TransformerImpl.
356       * @param stylesheetTree The compiled stylesheet tree.
357       * @param methodKey A key that uniquely identifies this class and method call.
358       *
359       * @throws XSLProcessorException thrown if something goes wrong
360       *            while running the extension handler.
361       * @throws MalformedURLException if loading trouble
362       * @throws FileNotFoundException if loading trouble
363       * @throws IOException           if loading trouble
364       * @throws TransformerException          if parsing trouble
365       */
366      public void processElement(
367              String localPart, ElemTemplateElement element, TransformerImpl transformer, 
368              Stylesheet stylesheetTree, Object methodKey)
369                throws TransformerException, IOException
370      {
372        Object result = null;
373        XSLProcessorContext xpc = new XSLProcessorContext(transformer, stylesheetTree);
375        try
376        {
377          Vector argv = new Vector(2);
379          argv.add(xpc);
380          argv.add(element);
382          result = callFunction(localPart, argv, methodKey,
383                                transformer.getXPathContext().getExpressionContext());
384        }
385        catch (XPathProcessorException e)
386        {
388          // e.printStackTrace ();
389          throw new TransformerException(e.getMessage(), e);
390        }
392        if (result != null)
393        {
394          xpc.outputToResultTree(stylesheetTree, result);
395        }
396      }
397    }