001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
007     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
008     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
018    /*
019     * $Id: ElemIf.java 468643 2006-10-28 06:56:03Z minchau $
020     */
021    package org.apache.xalan.templates;
023    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
025    import org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl;
026    import org.apache.xpath.XPath;
027    import org.apache.xpath.XPathContext;
028    import org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject;
030    /**
031     * Implement xsl:if.
032     * <pre>
033     * <!ELEMENT xsl:if %template;>
034     * <!ATTLIST xsl:if
035     *   test %expr; #REQUIRED
036     *   %space-att;
037     * >
038     * </pre>
039     * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#section-Conditional-Processing-with-xsl:if">XXX in XSLT Specification</a>
040     * @xsl.usage advanced
041     */
042    public class ElemIf extends ElemTemplateElement
043    {
044        static final long serialVersionUID = 2158774632427453022L;
046      /**
047       * The xsl:if element must have a test attribute, which specifies an expression.
048       * @serial
049       */
050      private XPath m_test = null;
052      /**
053       * Set the "test" attribute.
054       * The xsl:if element must have a test attribute, which specifies an expression.
055       *
056       * @param v test attribute to set
057       */
058      public void setTest(XPath v)
059      {
060        m_test = v;
061      }
063      /**
064       * Get the "test" attribute.
065       * The xsl:if element must have a test attribute, which specifies an expression.
066       *
067       * @return the "test" attribute for this element.
068       */
069      public XPath getTest()
070      {
071        return m_test;
072      }
074      /**
075       * This function is called after everything else has been
076       * recomposed, and allows the template to set remaining
077       * values that may be based on some other property that
078       * depends on recomposition.
079       *
080       * @param sroot The root stylesheet.
081       *
082       * @throws TransformerException
083       */
084      public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) throws TransformerException
085      {
087        super.compose(sroot);
089        java.util.Vector vnames = sroot.getComposeState().getVariableNames();
091        if (null != m_test)
092          m_test.fixupVariables(vnames, sroot.getComposeState().getGlobalsSize());
093      }
095      /**
096       * Get an int constant identifying the type of element.
097       * @see org.apache.xalan.templates.Constants
098       *
099       * @return The token ID for this element
100       */
101      public int getXSLToken()
102      {
103        return Constants.ELEMNAME_IF;
104      }
106      /**
107       * Return the node name.
108       *
109       * @return the element's name
110       */
111      public String getNodeName()
112      {
113        return Constants.ELEMNAME_IF_STRING;
114      }
116      /**
117       * Conditionally execute a sub-template.
118       * The expression is evaluated and the resulting object is converted
119       * to a boolean as if by a call to the boolean function. If the result
120       * is true, then the content template is instantiated; otherwise, nothing
121       * is created.
122       *
123       * @param transformer non-null reference to the the current transform-time state.
124       *
125       * @throws TransformerException
126       */
127      public void execute(TransformerImpl transformer) throws TransformerException
128      {
130        XPathContext xctxt = transformer.getXPathContext();
131        int sourceNode = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
133        if (transformer.getDebug())
134        {
135          XObject test = m_test.execute(xctxt, sourceNode, this);
137          if (transformer.getDebug())
138            transformer.getTraceManager().fireSelectedEvent(sourceNode, this,
139                    "test", m_test, test);
141          // xsl:for-each now fires one trace event + one for every
142          // iteration; changing xsl:if to fire one regardless of true/false
144          if (transformer.getDebug())
145            transformer.getTraceManager().fireTraceEvent(this);
147          if (test.bool())
148          {
149            transformer.executeChildTemplates(this, true);        
150          }
152          if (transformer.getDebug())
153            transformer.getTraceManager().fireTraceEndEvent(this);
155          // I don't think we want this.  -sb
156          //  if (transformer.getDebug())
157          //    transformer.getTraceManager().fireSelectedEvent(sourceNode, this,
158          //            "endTest", m_test, test);
159        }
160        else if (m_test.bool(xctxt, sourceNode, this))
161        {
162          transformer.executeChildTemplates(this, true);
163        }
165      }
167      /**
168       * Call the children visitors.
169       * @param visitor The visitor whose appropriate method will be called.
170       */
171      protected void callChildVisitors(XSLTVisitor visitor, boolean callAttrs)
172      {
173            if(callAttrs)
174                    m_test.getExpression().callVisitors(m_test, visitor);
175        super.callChildVisitors(visitor, callAttrs);
176      }
178    }