001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
007     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
008     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
018    /*
019     * $Id: ElemSort.java 468643 2006-10-28 06:56:03Z minchau $
020     */
021    package org.apache.xalan.templates;
023    import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources;
024    import org.apache.xpath.XPath;
026    import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
027    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
029    /**
030     * Implement xsl:sort.
031     * <pre>
032     * <!ELEMENT xsl:sort EMPTY>
033     * <!ATTLIST xsl:sort
034     *   select %expr; "."
035     *   lang %avt; #IMPLIED
036     *   data-type %avt; "text"
037     *   order %avt; "ascending"
038     *   case-order %avt; #IMPLIED
039     * >
040     * <!-- xsl:sort cannot occur after any other elements or
041     * any non-whitespace character -->
042     * </pre>
043     * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#sorting">sorting in XSLT Specification</a>
044     * @xsl.usage advanced
045     */
046    public class ElemSort extends ElemTemplateElement
047    {
048        static final long serialVersionUID = -4991510257335851938L;
050      /**
051       * xsl:sort has a select attribute whose value is an expression.
052       * @serial
053       */
054      private XPath m_selectExpression = null;
056      /**
057       * Set the "select" attribute.
058       * xsl:sort has a select attribute whose value is an expression.
059       * For each node to be processed, the expression is evaluated
060       * with that node as the current node and with the complete
061       * list of nodes being processed in unsorted order as the current
062       * node list. The resulting object is converted to a string as if
063       * by a call to the string function; this string is used as the
064       * sort key for that node. The default value of the select attribute
065       * is ., which will cause the string-value of the current node to
066       * be used as the sort key.
067       *
068       * @param v Value to set for the "select" attribute
069       */
070      public void setSelect(XPath v)
071      {
073        if (v.getPatternString().indexOf("{") < 0)
074          m_selectExpression = v;
075        else
076          error(XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_CURLYBRACE, null);
077      }
079      /**
080       * Get the "select" attribute.
081       * xsl:sort has a select attribute whose value is an expression.
082       * For each node to be processed, the expression is evaluated
083       * with that node as the current node and with the complete
084       * list of nodes being processed in unsorted order as the current
085       * node list. The resulting object is converted to a string as if
086       * by a call to the string function; this string is used as the
087       * sort key for that node. The default value of the select attribute
088       * is ., which will cause the string-value of the current node to
089       * be used as the sort key.
090       *
091       * @return The value of the "select" attribute
092       */
093      public XPath getSelect()
094      {
095        return m_selectExpression;
096      }
098      /**
099       * lang specifies the language of the sort keys.
100       * @serial
101       */
102      private AVT m_lang_avt = null;
104      /**
105       * Set the "lang" attribute.
106       * lang specifies the language of the sort keys; it has the same
107       * range of values as xml:lang [XML]; if no lang value is
108       * specified, the language should be determined from the system environment.
109       *
110       * @param v The value to set for the "lang" attribute
111       */
112      public void setLang(AVT v)
113      {
114        m_lang_avt = v;
115      }
117      /**
118       * Get the "lang" attribute.
119       * lang specifies the language of the sort keys; it has the same
120       * range of values as xml:lang [XML]; if no lang value is
121       * specified, the language should be determined from the system environment.
122       *
123       * @return The value of the "lang" attribute
124       */
125      public AVT getLang()
126      {
127        return m_lang_avt;
128      }
130      /**
131       * data-type specifies the data type of the
132       * strings to be sorted.
133       * @serial
134       */
135      private AVT m_dataType_avt = null;
137      /**
138       * Set the "data-type" attribute.
139       * <code>data-type</code> specifies the data type of the
140       * strings; the following values are allowed:
141       * <ul>
142       * <li>
143       * <code>text</code> specifies that the sort keys should be
144       * sorted lexicographically in the culturally correct manner for the
145       * language specified by <code>lang</code>.
146       * </li>
147       * <li>
148       * <code>number</code> specifies that the sort keys should be
149       * converted to numbers and then sorted according to the numeric value;
150       * the sort key is converted to a number as if by a call to the
151       * <b><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#function-number">number</a></b> function; the <code>lang</code>
152       * attribute is ignored.
153       * </li>
154       * <li>
155       * A <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names#NT-QName">QName</a> with a prefix
156       * is expanded into an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#dt-expanded-name">expanded-name</a> as described
157       * in <a href="#qname">[<b>2.4 Qualified Names</b>]</a>; the expanded-name identifies the data-type;
158       * the behavior in this case is not specified by this document.
159       * </li>
160       * </ul>
161       * <p>The default value is <code>text</code>.</p>
162       * <blockquote>
163       * <b>NOTE: </b>The XSL Working Group plans that future versions of XSLT will
164       * leverage XML Schemas to define further values for this
165       * attribute.</blockquote>
166       *
167       * @param v Value to set for the "data-type" attribute
168       */
169      public void setDataType(AVT v)
170      {
171        m_dataType_avt = v;
172      }
174      /**
175       * Get the "data-type" attribute.
176       * <code>data-type</code> specifies the data type of the
177       * strings; the following values are allowed:
178       * <ul>
179       * <li>
180       * <code>text</code> specifies that the sort keys should be
181       * sorted lexicographically in the culturally correct manner for the
182       * language specified by <code>lang</code>.
183       * </li>
184       * <li>
185       * <code>number</code> specifies that the sort keys should be
186       * converted to numbers and then sorted according to the numeric value;
187       * the sort key is converted to a number as if by a call to the
188       * <b><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#function-number">number</a></b> function; the <code>lang</code>
189       * attribute is ignored.
190       * </li>
191       * <li>
192       * A <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names#NT-QName">QName</a> with a prefix
193       * is expanded into an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#dt-expanded-name">expanded-name</a> as described
194       * in <a href="#qname">[<b>2.4 Qualified Names</b>]</a>; the expanded-name identifies the data-type;
195       * the behavior in this case is not specified by this document.
196       * </li>
197       * </ul>
198       * <p>The default value is <code>text</code>.</p>
199       * <blockquote>
200       * <b>NOTE: </b>The XSL Working Group plans that future versions of XSLT will
201       * leverage XML Schemas to define further values for this
202       * attribute.</blockquote>
203       *
204       * @return The value of the "data-type" attribute
205       */
206      public AVT getDataType()
207      {
208        return m_dataType_avt;
209      }
211      /**
212       * order specifies whether the strings should be sorted in ascending
213       * or descending order.
214       * @serial
215       */
216      private AVT m_order_avt = null;
218      /**
219       * Set the "order" attribute.
220       * order specifies whether the strings should be sorted in ascending
221       * or descending order; ascending specifies ascending order; descending
222       * specifies descending order; the default is ascending.
223       *
224       * @param v The value to set for the "order" attribute
225       */
226      public void setOrder(AVT v)
227      {
228        m_order_avt = v;
229      }
231      /**
232       * Get the "order" attribute.
233       * order specifies whether the strings should be sorted in ascending
234       * or descending order; ascending specifies ascending order; descending
235       * specifies descending order; the default is ascending.
236       *
237       * @return The value of the "order" attribute
238       */
239      public AVT getOrder()
240      {
241        return m_order_avt;
242      }
244      /**
245       * case-order has the value upper-first or lower-first.
246       * The default value is language dependent.
247       * @serial
248       */
249      private AVT m_caseorder_avt = null;
251      /**
252       * Set the "case-order" attribute.
253       * case-order has the value upper-first or lower-first; this applies
254       * when data-type="text", and specifies that upper-case letters should
255       * sort before lower-case letters or vice-versa respectively.
256       * For example, if lang="en", then A a B b are sorted with
257       * case-order="upper-first" and a A b B are sorted with case-order="lower-first".
258       * The default value is language dependent.
259       *
260       * @param v The value to set for the "case-order" attribute
261       * 
262       * @serial
263       */
264      public void setCaseOrder(AVT v)
265      {
266        m_caseorder_avt = v;
267      }
269      /**
270       * Get the "case-order" attribute.
271       * case-order has the value upper-first or lower-first; this applies
272       * when data-type="text", and specifies that upper-case letters should
273       * sort before lower-case letters or vice-versa respectively.
274       * For example, if lang="en", then A a B b are sorted with
275       * case-order="upper-first" and a A b B are sorted with case-order="lower-first".
276       * The default value is language dependent.
277       *
278       * @return The value of the "case-order" attribute
279       */
280      public AVT getCaseOrder()
281      {
282        return m_caseorder_avt;
283      }
285      /**
286       * Get an int constant identifying the type of element.
287       * @see org.apache.xalan.templates.Constants
288       *
289       * @return The token ID of the element
290       */
291      public int getXSLToken()
292      {
293        return Constants.ELEMNAME_SORT;
294      }
296      /**
297       * Return the node name.
298       *
299       * @return The element's name
300       */
301      public String getNodeName()
302      {
303        return Constants.ELEMNAME_SORT_STRING;
304      }
306      /**
307       * Add a child to the child list.
308       *
309       * @param newChild Child to add to the child list
310       *
311       * @return Child just added to the child list
312       *
313       * @throws DOMException
314       */
315      public Node appendChild(Node newChild) throws DOMException
316      {
318        error(XSLTErrorResources.ER_CANNOT_ADD,
319              new Object[]{ newChild.getNodeName(),
320                            this.getNodeName() });  //"Can not add " +((ElemTemplateElement)newChild).m_elemName +
322        //" to " + this.m_elemName);
323        return null;
324      }
326      /**
327       * This function is called after everything else has been
328       * recomposed, and allows the template to set remaining
329       * values that may be based on some other property that
330       * depends on recomposition.
331       */
332      public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) 
333        throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
334      {
335        super.compose(sroot);
336        StylesheetRoot.ComposeState cstate = sroot.getComposeState();
337        java.util.Vector vnames = cstate.getVariableNames();
338        if(null != m_caseorder_avt)
339          m_caseorder_avt.fixupVariables(vnames, cstate.getGlobalsSize());
340        if(null != m_dataType_avt)
341          m_dataType_avt.fixupVariables(vnames, cstate.getGlobalsSize());
342        if(null != m_lang_avt)
343          m_lang_avt.fixupVariables(vnames, cstate.getGlobalsSize());
344        if(null != m_order_avt)
345          m_order_avt.fixupVariables(vnames, cstate.getGlobalsSize());
346        if(null != m_selectExpression)
347          m_selectExpression.fixupVariables(vnames, cstate.getGlobalsSize());
348      }
349    }