001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
007     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
008     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
018    /*
019     * $Id: ChunkedIntArray.java 1225427 2011-12-29 04:33:32Z mrglavas $
020     */
021    package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref;
023    import org.apache.xml.res.XMLErrorResources;
024    import org.apache.xml.res.XMLMessages;
026    /**
027     * <code>ChunkedIntArray</code> is an extensible array of blocks of integers.
028     * (I'd consider Vector, but it's unable to handle integers except by
029     * turning them into Objects.)
031     * <p>Making this a separate class means some call-and-return overhead. But
032     * doing it all inline tends to be fragile and expensive in coder time,
033     * not to mention driving up code size. If you want to inline it, feel free.
034     * The Java text suggest that private and Final methods may be inlined, 
035     * and one can argue that this beast need not be made subclassable...</p>
036     *
037     * <p>%REVIEW% This has strong conceptual overlap with the IntVector class.
038     * It would probably be a good thing to merge the two, when time permits.<p>
039     */
040    final class ChunkedIntArray
041    {
042      static final int slotsize=4; // Locked, MUST be power of two in current code
043      // Debugging tip: Cranking lowbits down to 4 or so is a good
044      // way to pound on the array addressing code.
045      static final int lowbits=10; // How many bits address within chunks
046      static final int chunkalloc=1<<lowbits;
047      static final int lowmask=chunkalloc-1;
049      ChunksVector chunks=new ChunksVector();
050      final int fastArray[] = new int[chunkalloc];
051      int lastUsed=0;
053      /**
054       * Create a new CIA with specified record size. Currently record size MUST
055       * be a power of two... and in fact is hardcoded to 4.
056       */
057      ChunkedIntArray(int slotsize)
058      {
059        if(this.slotsize<slotsize)
060          throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_CHUNKEDINTARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[]{Integer.toString(slotsize)})); //"ChunkedIntArray("+slotsize+") not currently supported");
061        else if (this.slotsize>slotsize)
062          System.out.println("*****WARNING: ChunkedIntArray("+slotsize+") wasting "+(this.slotsize-slotsize)+" words per slot");
063        chunks.addElement(fastArray);
064      }
065      /**
066       * Append a 4-integer record to the CIA, starting with record 1. (Since
067       * arrays are initialized to all-0, 0 has been reserved as the "unknown"
068       * value in DTM.)
069       * @return the index at which this record was inserted.
070       */
071      int appendSlot(int w0, int w1, int w2, int w3)
072      {
073        /*
074        try
075        {
076          int newoffset = (lastUsed+1)*slotsize;
077          fastArray[newoffset] = w0;
078          fastArray[newoffset+1] = w1;
079          fastArray[newoffset+2] = w2;
080          fastArray[newoffset+3] = w3;
081          return ++lastUsed;
082        }
083        catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe)
084        */
085        {
086          final int slotsize=4;
087          int newoffset = (lastUsed+1)*slotsize;
088          int chunkpos = newoffset >> lowbits;
089          int slotpos = (newoffset & lowmask);
091          // Grow if needed
092          if (chunkpos > chunks.size() - 1)
093            chunks.addElement(new int[chunkalloc]);
094          int[] chunk = chunks.elementAt(chunkpos);
095          chunk[slotpos] = w0;
096          chunk[slotpos+1] = w1;
097          chunk[slotpos+2] = w2;
098          chunk[slotpos+3] = w3;
100          return ++lastUsed;
101        }
102      }
103      /**
104       * Retrieve an integer from the CIA by record number and column within
105       * the record, both 0-based (though position 0 is reserved for special
106       * purposes).
107       * @param position int Record number
108       * @param slotpos int Column number
109       */
110      int readEntry(int position, int offset) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
111      {
112        /*
113        try
114        {
115          return fastArray[(position*slotsize)+offset];
116        }
117        catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe)
118        */
119        {
120          // System.out.println("Using slow read (1)");
121          if (offset>=slotsize)
122            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_OFFSET_BIGGER_THAN_SLOT, null)); //"Offset bigger than slot");
123          position*=slotsize;
124          int chunkpos = position >> lowbits;
125          int slotpos = position & lowmask;
126          int[] chunk = chunks.elementAt(chunkpos);
127          return chunk[slotpos + offset];
128        }
129      }
131      // Check that the node at index "position" is not an ancestor
132      // of the node at index "startPos". IF IT IS, DO NOT ACCEPT IT AND
133      // RETURN -1. If position is NOT an ancestor, return position.
134      // Special case: The Document node (position==0) is acceptable.
135      //
136      // This test supports DTM.getNextPreceding.
137      int specialFind(int startPos, int position)
138      {
139              // We have to look all the way up the ancestor chain
140              // to make sure we don't have an ancestor.
141              int ancestor = startPos;
142              while(ancestor > 0)
143              {
144                    // Get the node whose index == ancestor
145                    ancestor*=slotsize;
146                    int chunkpos = ancestor >> lowbits;
147                    int slotpos = ancestor & lowmask;
148                    int[] chunk = chunks.elementAt(chunkpos);
150                    // Get that node's parent (Note that this assumes w[1]
151                    // is the parent node index. That's really a DTM feature
152                    // rather than a ChunkedIntArray feature.)
153                    ancestor = chunk[slotpos + 1];
155                    if(ancestor == position)
156                             break;
157              }
159              if (ancestor <= 0) 
160              {
161                      return position;
162              }
163              return -1;
164      }
166      /**
167       * @return int index of highest-numbered record currently in use
168       */
169      int slotsUsed()
170      {
171        return lastUsed;
172      }
174      /** Disard the highest-numbered record. This is used in the string-buffer
175       CIA; when only a single characters() chunk has been recieved, its index
176       is moved into the Text node rather than being referenced by indirection
177       into the text accumulator.
178       */
179      void discardLast()
180      {
181        --lastUsed;
182      }
184      /**
185       * Overwrite the integer found at a specific record and column.
186       * Used to back-patch existing records, most often changing their
187       * "next sibling" reference from 0 (unknown) to something meaningful
188       * @param position int Record number
189       * @param offset int Column number
190       * @param value int New contents
191       */
192      void writeEntry(int position, int offset, int value) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
193      {
194        /*
195        try
196        {
197          fastArray[( position*slotsize)+offset] = value;
198        }
199        catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe)
200        */
201        {
202          if (offset >= slotsize)
203            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_OFFSET_BIGGER_THAN_SLOT, null)); //"Offset bigger than slot");
204          position*=slotsize;
205          int chunkpos = position >> lowbits;
206          int slotpos = position & lowmask;
207          int[] chunk = chunks.elementAt(chunkpos);
208          chunk[slotpos + offset] = value; // ATOMIC!
209        }
210      }
212      /**
213       * Overwrite an entire (4-integer) record at the specified index.
214       * Mostly used to create record 0, the Document node.
215       * @param position integer Record number
216       * @param w0 int 
217       * @param w1 int
218       * @param w2 int
219       * @param w3 int
220       */
221      void writeSlot(int position, int w0, int w1, int w2, int w3)
222      {
223          position *= slotsize;
224          int chunkpos = position >> lowbits;
225          int slotpos = (position & lowmask);
227        // Grow if needed
228        if (chunkpos > chunks.size() - 1)
229          chunks.addElement(new int[chunkalloc]);
230        int[] chunk = chunks.elementAt(chunkpos);
231        chunk[slotpos] = w0;
232        chunk[slotpos + 1] = w1;
233        chunk[slotpos + 2] = w2;
234        chunk[slotpos + 3] = w3;
235      }
237      /**
238       * Retrieve the contents of a record into a user-supplied buffer array.
239       * Used to reduce addressing overhead when code will access several
240       * columns of the record.
241       * @param position int Record number
242       * @param buffer int[] Integer array provided by user, must be large enough
243       * to hold a complete record.
244       */
245      void readSlot(int position, int[] buffer)
246      {
247        /*
248        try
249        {
250          System.arraycopy(fastArray, position*slotsize, buffer, 0, slotsize);
251        }
252        catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe)
253        */
254        {
255          // System.out.println("Using slow read (2): "+position);
256          position *= slotsize;
257          int chunkpos = position >> lowbits;
258          int slotpos = (position & lowmask);
260          // Grow if needed
261          if (chunkpos > chunks.size() - 1)
262            chunks.addElement(new int[chunkalloc]);
263          int[] chunk = chunks.elementAt(chunkpos);
264          System.arraycopy(chunk,slotpos,buffer,0,slotsize);
265        }
266      }
268      static class ChunksVector
269      {
270        static final int BLOCKSIZE = 64;
271        int[] m_map[] = new int[BLOCKSIZE][];
272        int m_mapSize = BLOCKSIZE;
273        int pos = 0;
275        ChunksVector()
276        {
277        }
279        final int size()
280        {
281          return pos;
282        }
284        void addElement(int[] value)
285        {
286          if(pos >= m_mapSize)
287          {
288            int orgMapSize = m_mapSize;
289            while(pos >= m_mapSize)
290              m_mapSize+=BLOCKSIZE;
291            int[] newMap[] = new int[m_mapSize][];
292            System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, orgMapSize);
293            m_map = newMap;
294          }
295          // For now, just do a simple append.  A sorted insert only 
296          // makes sense if we're doing an binary search or some such.
297          m_map[pos] = value;
298          pos++;
299        }
301        final int[] elementAt(int pos)
302        {
303          return m_map[pos];
304        }
305      }
306    }