Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression

Uses of Expression in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler

Subclasses of Expression in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler
(package private)  class AbsoluteLocationPath
(package private)  class AbsolutePathPattern
(package private)  class AlternativePattern
(package private)  class AncestorPattern
(package private)  class AttributeValue
(package private)  class AttributeValueTemplate
(package private)  class BinOpExpr
(package private)  class BooleanCall
(package private)  class BooleanExpr
          This class implements inlined calls to the XSLT standard functions true() and false().
(package private)  class CastCall
(package private)  class CastExpr
(package private)  class CeilingCall
(package private)  class ConcatCall
(package private)  class ContainsCall
(package private)  class CurrentCall
(package private)  class DocumentCall
(package private)  class ElementAvailableCall
(package private)  class EqualityExpr
(package private)  class FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath
(package private)  class FilterExpr
(package private)  class FilterParentPath
(package private)  class FloorCall
(package private)  class FormatNumberCall
(package private)  class FunctionAvailableCall
(package private)  class FunctionCall
(package private)  class GenerateIdCall
(package private)  class IdKeyPattern
(package private)  class IdPattern
(package private)  class IntExpr
(package private)  class KeyCall
(package private)  class KeyPattern
(package private)  class LangCall
(package private)  class LastCall
(package private)  class LiteralExpr
(package private)  class LocalNameCall
 class LocationPathPattern
(package private)  class LogicalExpr
(package private)  class NameBase
(package private)  class NameCall
(package private)  class NamespaceUriCall
(package private)  class NotCall
(package private)  class NumberCall
(package private)  class ParameterRef
(package private)  class ParentLocationPath
(package private)  class ParentPattern
 class Pattern
(package private)  class PositionCall
(package private)  class Predicate
(package private)  class ProcessingInstructionPattern
(package private)  class RealExpr
(package private)  class RelationalExpr
(package private)  class RelativeLocationPath
(package private)  class RelativePathPattern
(package private)  class RoundCall
(package private)  class SimpleAttributeValue
(package private)  class StartsWithCall
(package private)  class Step
(package private)  class StepPattern
(package private)  class StringCall
(package private)  class StringLengthCall
(package private)  class UnaryOpExpr
(package private)  class UnionPathExpr
(package private)  class UnparsedEntityUriCall
(package private)  class UnresolvedRef
(package private)  class VariableRef
(package private)  class VariableRefBase

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler declared as Expression
private  Expression FunctionAvailableCall._arg
private  Expression BooleanCall._arg
private  Expression ArgumentList._arg
private  Expression DocumentCall._arg1
private  Expression DocumentCall._arg2
private  Expression StartsWithCall._base
private  Expression ContainsCall._base
private  Expression[] UnionPathExpr._components
private  Expression UnparsedEntityUriCall._entity
private  Expression Predicate._exp
          The predicate's expression.
private  Expression TransletOutput._filename
private  Expression FilterParentPath._filterExpr
private  Expression FormatNumberCall._format
private  Expression LangCall._lang
private  Expression UnaryOpExpr._left
private  Expression RelationalExpr._left
private  Expression LogicalExpr._left
private  Expression EqualityExpr._left
private  Expression CastExpr._left
private  Expression BinOpExpr._left
private  Expression KeyCall._name
          The name of the key.
private  Expression FormatNumberCall._name
private  Expression NameBase._param
private  Expression FilterParentPath._path
private  Expression FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath._path
private  Expression AbsoluteLocationPath._path
private  Expression UnionPathExpr._pathExpr
private  Expression FilterExpr._primary
          Primary expression of this filter.
private  Expression UnionPathExpr._rest
private  Expression RelationalExpr._right
private  Expression LogicalExpr._right
private  Expression EqualityExpr._right
private  Expression CastCall._right
          A reference to the expression being casted.
private  Expression BinOpExpr._right
private  Expression WithParam._select
          Parameter's default value.
protected  Expression VariableBase._select
private  Expression ValueOf._select
private  Expression Sort._select
private  Expression ForEach._select
private  Expression CopyOf._select
private  Expression ApplyTemplates._select
private  Expression ParentLocationPath._step
private  Expression When._test
private  Expression If._test
(package private)  Expression FunctionCall._thisArgument
          Stores reference to object for non-static Java calls
private  Expression StartsWithCall._token
private  Expression ContainsCall._token
private  Expression Key._use
          The expression that generates the values for this key.
private  Expression Predicate._value
          Cached value of method getCompareValue().
private  Expression Number._value
private  Expression KeyCall._value
          The value to look up in the key/index.
private  Expression FormatNumberCall._value

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler that return Expression
protected  Expression FunctionCall.argument()
protected  Expression FunctionCall.argument(int i)
 Expression Predicate.getCompareValue()
          Returns the value in an expression of the form 'step = value'.
 Expression Predicate.getExpr()
protected  Expression FilterExpr.getExpr()
 Expression CastExpr.getExpr()
 Expression VariableBase.getExpression()
          Returns the expression from this variable's select attribute (if any)
 Expression EqualityExpr.getLeft()
 Expression FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath.getPath()
 Expression AbsoluteLocationPath.getPath()
 Expression EqualityExpr.getRight()
 Expression ParentLocationPath.getStep()
 Expression When.getTest()
 Expression Parser.parseExpression(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String exp)
          Parse an XPath expression:
 Expression Parser.parseExpression(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String attr, java.lang.String def)
          Parse an XPath expression:

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler with parameters of type Expression
protected  void FunctionCall.setArgument(int i, Expression exp)
static void Sort.translateSortIterator(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Expression nodeSet, java.util.Vector sortObjects)
          Compiles code that instantiates a SortingIterator object.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler with parameters of type Expression
AbsoluteLocationPath(Expression path)
ArgumentList(Expression arg, ArgumentList rest)
BinOpExpr(int op, Expression left, Expression right)
CastExpr(Expression left, Type type)
          Construct a cast expression and check that the conversion is valid by calling typeCheck().
EqualityExpr(int op, Expression left, Expression right)
FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath(Expression path)
FilterExpr(Expression primary, java.util.Vector predicates)
FilterParentPath(Expression filterExpr, Expression path)
LogicalExpr(int op, Expression left, Expression right)
          Creates a new logical expression - either OR or AND.
ParentLocationPath(RelativeLocationPath path, Expression step)
Predicate(Expression exp)
          Initializes a predicate.
RelationalExpr(int op, Expression left, Expression right)
UnaryOpExpr(Expression left)
UnionPathExpr(Expression pathExpr, Expression rest)