Uses of Class

Packages that use Type

Uses of Type in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler declared as Type
private  Type DocumentCall._arg1Type
private  Type LangCall._langType
private  Type NameBase._paramType
protected  Type VariableBase._type
private  Type ForEach._type
protected  Type Expression._type
          The type of this expression.
private  Type ApplyTemplates._type
private  Type Key._useType
          The type of the _use expression.
private  Type KeyCall._valueType
          The value's data type.
private  Type ParentLocationPath.stype

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler that return Type
 Type VariableBase.getType()
          Returns the type of the variable
 Type NameBase.getType()
 Type LangCall.getType()
 Type Expression.getType()
 Type XslElement.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Run type check on element name & contents
 Type XslAttribute.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type WithParam.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-check either the select attribute or the element body, depending on which is in use.
 Type Whitespace.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-check contents/attributes - nothing to do...
 Type When.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-check this when element.
 Type VariableRefBase.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Variable.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Runs a type check on either the variable element body or the expression in the 'select' attribute
 Type ValueOf.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type UseAttributeSets.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Do nada.
 Type UnsupportedElement.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Run type check on the fallback element (if any).
 Type UnresolvedRef.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type UnparsedEntityUriCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type UnionPathExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type UnaryOpExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type TransletOutput.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type checks the 'file' attribute (must be able to convert it to a str).
 Type TopLevelElement.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check all the children of this node.
 Type Template.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
abstract  Type SyntaxTreeNode.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check the children of this node.
 Type Stylesheet.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check all the children of this node.
 Type StringCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type StepPattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Step.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check this step.
 Type StartsWithCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check the two parameters for this function
 Type Sort.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Run type checks on the attributes; expression must return a string which we will use as a sort key
 Type SimpleAttributeValue.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Returns this attribute value's type (String).
 Type RelationalExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type RealExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type ProcessingInstructionPattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type ProcessingInstruction.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Predicate.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check a predicate expression.
abstract  Type Pattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Returns the type of a pattern, which is always a NodeType.
 Type ParentPattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type ParentLocationPath.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Param.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-checks the parameter.
 Type Otherwise.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type NumberCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Number.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type NamespaceAlias.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type NameBase.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Check that we either have no parameters or one parameter that is either a node or a node-set.
 Type Message.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type LogicalExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-check this expression, and possibly child expressions.
 Type LocationPathPattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type LiteralExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type LiteralElement.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-check the contents of this element.
 Type LiteralAttribute.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type LangCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type KeyCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check the parameters for the id() or key() function.
 Type Key.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type IntExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Instruction.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check all the children of this node.
 Type Include.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Import.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type If.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-check the "test" expression and contents of this element.
 Type IdKeyPattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type FunctionCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check a function call.
 Type FunctionAvailableCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Argument of function-available call must be literal, typecheck returns the type of function-available to be boolean.
 Type FormatNumberCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type ForEach.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type FilterParentPath.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check a FilterParentPath.
 Type FilterExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check a FilterParentPath.
 Type FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Fallback.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          This element never produces any data on the stack
 Type Expression.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check all the children of this node.
 Type EqualityExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Typing rules: see XSLT Reference by M.
 Type ElementAvailableCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Force the argument to this function to be a literal string.
 Type DocumentCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type checks the arguments passed to the document() function.
 Type DecimalFormatting.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          No type check needed for the element
 Type CopyOf.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Copy.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type ContainsCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check the two parameters for this function
 Type ConcatCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type Comment.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type CastExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type checking a cast expression amounts to verifying that the type conversion is legal.
 Type CastCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check the two parameters for this function
 Type CallTemplate.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Verify that a template with this name exists.
 Type BooleanExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type BooleanCall.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type BinOpExpr.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type AttributeValueTemplate.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type AttributeSet.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check the contents of this element
 Type ApplyTemplates.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type ApplyImports.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          Type-check the attributes/contents of an element.
 Type AncestorPattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type AlternativePattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
          The type of an '|' is not really defined, hence null is returned.
 Type AbsolutePathPattern.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type AbsoluteLocationPath.typeCheck(SymbolTable stable)
 Type FunctionCall.typeCheckConstructor(SymbolTable stable)
protected  Type SyntaxTreeNode.typeCheckContents(SymbolTable stable)
          Call typeCheck() on all child syntax tree nodes.
 Type FunctionCall.typeCheckExternal(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check a call to an external (Java) method.
 Type FunctionCall.typeCheckStandard(SymbolTable stable)
          Type check a call to a standard function.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler with parameters of type Type
CastExpr(Expression left, Type type)
          Construct a cast expression and check that the conversion is valid by calling typeCheck().

Uses of Type in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util

Subclasses of Type in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util
 class BooleanType
 class IntType
 class MethodType
 class NodeSetType
 class NodeType
 class NumberType
 class ObjectType
 class RealType
 class ReferenceType
 class ResultTreeType
 class StringType
 class VoidType

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util declared as Type
private  Type MethodType._resultType
static Type Type.Attribute
static Type Type.Boolean
static Type Type.Comment
static Type Type.Element
static Type Type.Int
static Type Type.Node
static Type Type.NodeSet
static Type Type.Object
static Type Type.Processing_Instruction
static Type Type.Real
static Type Type.Reference
static Type Type.ResultTree
static Type Type.Root
static Type Type.String
static Type Type.Text
static Type Type.Void

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util that return Type
static Type Util.getJCRefType(java.lang.String signature)
static Type Type.newObjectType(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Factory method to instantiate object types.
static Type Type.newObjectType(java.lang.String javaClassName)
          Factory method to instantiate object types.
 Type MethodType.resultType()

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util with parameters of type Type
 LocalVariableGen MethodGenerator.addLocalVariable(java.lang.String name, Type type, InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end)
          Allocates a local variable.
 LocalVariableGen MethodGenerator.addLocalVariable2(java.lang.String name, Type type, InstructionHandle start)
 int SlotAllocator.allocateSlot(Type type)
 int Type.distanceTo(Type type)
          Returns the distance between two types.
 int RealType.distanceTo(Type type)
 int MethodType.distanceTo(Type other)
 int IntType.distanceTo(Type type)
 boolean VoidType.identicalTo(Type other)
abstract  boolean Type.identicalTo(Type other)
          Returns true if this and other are identical types.
 boolean StringType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean ResultTreeType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean ReferenceType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean RealType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean ObjectType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean NodeType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean NodeSetType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean MethodType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean IntType.identicalTo(Type other)
 boolean BooleanType.identicalTo(Type other)
private static Instruction MethodGenerator.loadLocal(int index, Type type)
          Helper method to generate an instance of a subclass of LoadInstruction based on the specified Type that will load the specified local variable
private static Instruction MethodGenerator.storeLocal(int index, Type type)
          Helper method to generate an instance of a subclass of StoreInstruction based on the specified Type that will store a value in the specified local variable
 void VoidType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a void into an object of internal type type.
 void Type.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates an object of this type to an object of type type.
 void StringType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a string into an object of internal type type.
 void ResultTreeType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a result tree to object of internal type type.
 void ReferenceType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a reference to an object of internal type type.
 void RealType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a real into an object of internal type type.
 void ObjectType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a void into an object of internal type type.
 void NodeType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a node into an object of internal type type.
 void NodeSetType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a node-set into an object of internal type type.
 void IntType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates an integer into an object of internal type type.
 void BooleanType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates a real into an object of internal type type.
 FlowList Type.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, Type type)
          Translates object of this type to an object of type type.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util with parameters of type Type
CompareGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
CompareGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
MatchGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
MatchGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
MethodGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cpg)
MethodGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cpg)
MethodType(Type resultType)
MethodType(Type resultType, Type arg1)
MethodType(Type resultType, Type arg1, Type arg2)
MethodType(Type resultType, Type arg1, Type arg2, Type arg3)
MethodType(Type resultType, java.util.Vector argsType)
NamedMethodGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
NamedMethodGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
RtMethodGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
RtMethodGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
TestGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
TestGenerator(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, java.lang.String[] arg_names, java.lang.String method_name, java.lang.String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)