Package org.apache.xml.serializer

Processes SAX events into streams.


Interface Summary
DOM3Serializer This interface is not intended to be used by an end user, but rather by an XML parser that is implementing the DOM Level 3 Load and Save APIs.
DOMSerializer Interface for a DOM serializer implementation.
EncodingInfo.InEncoding A simple interface to isolate the implementation.
ExtendedContentHandler This interface describes extensions to the SAX ContentHandler interface.
ExtendedLexicalHandler This interface has extensions to the standard SAX LexicalHandler interface.
SerializationHandler This interface is the one that a serializer implements.
Serializer The Serializer interface is implemented by a serializer to enable users to: get and set streams or writers configure the serializer with key/value properties get an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler or a DOMSerializer to provide input to
SerializerConstants Constants used in serialization, such as the string "xmlns"
SerializerTrace This interface defines a set of integer constants that identify trace event types.
TransformStateSetter This interface is meant to be used by a base interface to TransformState, but which as only the setters which have non Xalan specific types in their signature, so that there are no dependancies of the serializer on Xalan.
WriterChain It is unfortunate that is a class rather than an interface.
XSLOutputAttributes This interface has methods associated with the XSLT xsl:output attribues specified in the stylesheet that effect the format of the document output.

Class Summary
AttributesImplSerializer This class extends org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl which implements org.
CharInfo This class provides services that tell if a character should have special treatement, such as entity reference substitution or normalization of a newline character.
CharInfo.CharKey Simple class for fast lookup of char values, when used with hashtables.
ElemContext This class is a stack frame that consists of information about the element currently being processed by a serializer.
ElemDesc This class has a series of flags (bit values) that describe an HTML element
EmptySerializer This class is an adapter class.
EncodingInfo Holds information about a given encoding, which is the Java name for the encoding, the equivalent ISO name.
Encodings Provides information about encodings.
Method This class defines the constants which are the names of the four default output methods.
NamespaceMappings This class keeps track of the currently defined namespaces.
NamespaceMappings.MappingRecord Just a little class that ties the 3 fields together into one object, and this simplifies the pushing and popping of namespaces to one push or one pop on one stack rather than on 3 separate stacks.
ObjectFactory This class is duplicated for each JAXP subpackage so keep it in sync.
OutputPropertiesFactory This class is a factory to generate a set of default properties of key/value pairs that are used to create a serializer through the factory SerilizerFactory.
OutputPropertyUtils This class contains some static methods that act as helpers when parsing a Java Property object.
SecuritySupport This class is duplicated for each Xalan-Java subpackage so keep it in sync.
SerializerBase This class acts as a base class for the XML "serializers" and the stream serializers.
SerializerFactory This class is a public API, it is a factory for creating serializers.
SerializerTraceWriter This class wraps the real writer, it only purpose is to send CHARACTERTOSTREAM events to the trace listener.
ToHTMLSAXHandler Deprecated. As of Xalan 2.7.1, replaced by the use of ToXMLSAXHandler.
ToHTMLStream This serializer takes a series of SAX or SAX-like events and writes its output to the given stream.
ToHTMLStream.Trie.Node The node representation for the trie.
ToSAXHandler This class is used to provide a base behavior to be inherited by other To...SAXHandler serializers.
ToStream This abstract class is a base class for other stream serializers (xml, html, text ...) that write output to a stream.
ToStream.BoolStack Simple stack for boolean values.
ToStream.WritertoStringBuffer This inner class is used only to collect attribute values written by the method writeAttrString() into a string buffer.
ToTextSAXHandler Deprecated. As of Xalan 2.7.1, replaced by the use of ToXMLSAXHandler.
ToTextStream This class is not a public API.
ToUnknownStream This class wraps another SerializationHandler.
ToXMLSAXHandler This class receives notification of SAX-like events, and with gathered information over these calls it will invoke the equivalent SAX methods on a handler, the ultimate xsl:output method is known to be "xml".
ToXMLStream This class converts SAX or SAX-like calls to a serialized xml document.
TreeWalker This class does a pre-order walk of the DOM tree, calling a ContentHandler interface as it goes.
Version Administrative class to keep track of the version number of the Serializer release.
WriterToASCI This class writes ASCII to a byte stream as quickly as possible.
WriterToUTF8Buffered This class writes unicode characters to a byte stream ( as quickly as possible.

Error Summary
ObjectFactory.ConfigurationError A configuration error.

Package org.apache.xml.serializer Description

Processes SAX events into streams.

The SerializerFactory is used to create a Serializer from a set of output properties (see OutputKeys).

ToStream acts as the main baseclass for the Xalan serializer implementations. ToHTMLStream derives from this to implement HTML serialization. ToTextStream implements plain text serialization. ToXMLStream implements XML serialization.

XML mapping from characters to entity references is defined in XMLEntities.res. HTML entity reference mapping is defined in HTMLEntities.res.

Encoding information is defined in Encodings.