Trademark Logo Xalan XSL Transformer User's Guide
Reporting Bugs
Apache Foundation Xalan Project Xerces Project Web Consortium Oasis Open

Reporting Bugs


Before you report a bug

Before you report a bug, please, read the following instructions:

We strongly encourage you to write patches for problems you find and attach them to your JIRA issue. Being specific in the description of your bug report, and providing enough information to reproduce the bug will improve the likelihood that bugs, adding enhancements, and addressing outstanding design issues, we need your active participation in the ongoing development of Xalan Java.


Bugzilla is not used

The old bug tracking system, bugzilla, is still available but please only use it to look up old bugs. Bugzilla has been replaced by JIRA and old bugzilla bugs have been migrated to JIRA as issues.


Report a bug

After reading the instructions above, click here to submit a bug report using JIRA.

Note that the functionality shown by the JIRA user interface changes depending on whether you Log In or not. In particular, to have the CREATE NEW ISSUE link you will need to click the Log In in small font, in the top right corner of the page and log in.

note If you had a bugzilla account previously, and had used it with Xalan bugzilla bugs, your account should be migrated to JIRA. In this case, do not create a new account, but use the same e-mail account name and click on "Forgot Password" on the JIRA home page.
