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Xalan-Java Samples
Apache Foundation Xalan Project Xerces Project Web Consortium Oasis Open

Xalan-Java Samples

Xalan-Java Interpretive samples:

Xalan-Java Interpretive servlet samples:

Xalan-Java Compiled samples:


Samples to help you get started

Each of the subdirectories in the Xalan-Java java/samples directory contains the source files for one or more sample applications. The class files for the samples are in the following jar files:

JAR file Content
xalansamples.jar Everything except the Xalan-Java Interpretive servlet sample and some XSLTC samples
xalanservlet.jar Xalan-Java Interpretive servlet sample
xsltcapplet.jar XSLTC applet sample
xsltcbrazil.jar XSLTC Brazil server sample
xsltcejb.jar XSLTC EJB sample
xsltcservlet.jar XSLTC servlet sample

With most of the samples, you can use the following procedure:

  1. Be sure xalan.jar, serializer.jar, xml-apis.jar, the appropriate samples JAR file, and xercesImpl.jar are on the system class path. For the extension examples, bsf.jar and (for the JavaScript extensions) js.jar must also be on the class path.
  2. Be sure the java executable is on your path.
  3. Go to the samples subdirectory containing the sample (use the DOS shell if you are running Windows).
  4. Run the sample from the command line (as indicated below).
  5. Examine the application source files. You may also want to modify the source files. Remember that if you modify a java file, you must recompile the class and place it on the classpath before you can run the modified application.

The basic command line for running most of the samples is

java classname args

where classname is the sample class and args are the arguments, if any. As described in the following sections, some samples take no arguments. The UseStylesheetParam sample takes an additional argument. Several samples in extensions use the Xalan-Java command-line utility, so they take arguments for the XML source file and the XSL stylesheet.



What it does: The SimpleTransform class uses the birds.xsl stylesheet to transform birds.xml, and prints the output to birds.out.

You can run it from the SimpleTransform subdirectory with

java SimpleTransform



What it does: The UseStylesheetPI class uses the stylesheet processing instruction in the XML source document to determine which stylesheet to use to perform the transformation.

You can run it from the UseStylesheetPI subdirectory with

java UseStylesheetPI

For more information, see Working with embedded stylesheets.



What it does: The UseStyleSheetParam class uses foo.xsl and a stylesheet parameter to transform foo.xml, and prints the output to System.out. The stylesheet parameter appears as a text node in the output.

Run this sample from the UseStylesheetParam subdirectory with

java UseStylesheetParam param

where param is the stylesheet parameter value (a string of your choice).



What it does: Explicitly sets the SAX XMLReader and SAX ContentHandler for processing the stylesheet (birds.xsl), processing the XML input (birds.xml), and producing the output (birds.out).

Run this sample from the SAX2SAX subdirectory with

java SAX2SAX



What it does: the DOM2DOM class uses the birds.xsl stylesheet to transform a DOM Document generated from birds.xml, produces an output DOM, and traverses the DOM, printing the traversal to System.out. In contrast to SimpleTransform, DOM2DOM illustrates the procedure for processing an input DOM and creating an output DOM that is available for further processing.

You can run it from the DOM2DOM subdirectory with

java DOM2DOM



What it does: Pipes the output from one transformation to a second transformation, then from the second transformation to the third transformation. Transformer1 is the ContentHandler for the XMLReader (which parses the input document). Transformer2 provides the ContentHandler for Transformer1, and Transformer3 for Transformer2.

note Pipe and UseXMLFilters illustrate two strategies for using the output of one transformation as the input for another transformation. The Pipe sample incorporates a "push" model -- Transformer1 "pushes" its output to Transformer2, and so on -- whereas in the UseXMLFilters sample, Transformer3 "pulls" its input from Transformer2, and so on.

Run this sample from the Pipe subdirectory with

java Pipe



What it does: Chains together the same transformations as the preceding Pipe sample. Using each Transformer object as an extension of the SAX XMLFilter interface, sets the XMLReader as the parent of filter1, filter1 as the parent of filter2, and filter2 as the parent of of filter3.


Run this sample from the UseXMLFilters subdirectory with

java UseXMLFilters



This applet uses a stylesheet to transform an XML document into HTML. It displays the XML document, the stylesheet, and the HTML output.

How to run it: Open appletXMLtoHTML.html in the Internet Explorer 5 browser.

note For information about running Xalan-Java applets in Netscape Communicator, see Problems with Netscape.

This applet looks for xalan.jar and serializer.jar in the build directory, or the top level directory, and xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar in the lib subdirectory. If you have placed these JAR files elsewhere, adjust the applet archive setting in client.html accordingly.



For a general introduction, see Using Xalan-Java in a servlet.

The servlet subdirectory contains four sample servlets and one JSP that use Xalan-Java to perform transformations. The sample code is compiled and packed in xalanservlet.war. To run these samples, you must place xalanservlet.war on a web server with a servlet engine. For example, using jakarta-tomcat 4.1.*. Copy the xalanservlet.war to %Tomcat_Home%/webapps. For more details about deploying servlets on Tomcat, please refer to Deployment Organization.

note Dependency on Tomcat version. If encountering "java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class" error, replace xercesImpl.jar under %Tomcat_Home%/common/endorsed with the one included with Xalan-Java .

servlet.SimpleXSLTServlet applies a particular stylesheet to a particular XML document.

servlet.UseStylesheetParamServlet sets a stylesheet parameter (the parameter name is hardwired into the servlet), and requires the user to supply parameters for the XML document and XSL stylesheet.

jspSample.jsp is a Java ServerPage that sets a stylesheet parameter and applies the stylesheet to the XML document.

servlet.XSLTServletWithParams accepts parameters for the XML document, the XSL stylesheet, and any number of stylesheet parameters.

servlet.ApplyXSLT (and associated classes) is closer to a production level servlet. It accepts parameters, provides a listener for capturing and reporting debugger messages, and supports use of a property file to determine which stylesheet to apply based on the identity of the client browser/device.



What it does: servlet.SimpleXSLTServlet applies the birds.xsl stylesheet to birds.xml and returns the transformation result to the HTTP client.

To run this servlet: set up an HTML page to call the servlet as follows:




note Paul Campbell <> wrote this servlet and the following explanatory text. Thank you, Paul!

What it does: The client (perhaps an HTML form) specifies an XML document, a stylesheet, and a value to be passed to the stylesheet for a stylesheet parameter named "param1". The servlet performs the transformation and returns the output to the client. The client must specify which stylesheet (containing a "param1" stylesheet parameter") and XML file are to be used or use sample files fooparam.xml and fooparam.xsl.

How to run it: set up an HTML client to call the servlet with arguments along the lines of

http://localhost:port/xalanservlet/UseStylesheetParamServlet? XML=fooparam.xml&XSL=fooparam.xsl&PVAL=GoodBye

In the doGet() method, the servlet obtains the PVAL value "GoodBye" from the servlet request and passes it to the stylesheet as the paramValue argument in a Transformer setParameter() call:

String paramValue = httpServletRequest.getParameter("PVAL");
transformer.setParameter("param1", paramValue);

The result is returned to the client:




note Paul Campbell <> wrote this Java Server Page.

This Java Server Page performs essentially the same operation as servlet.UseStylesheetParamServlet. It applies a stylesheet parameter to a stylesheet (fooparam.xsl), applies the stylesheet to an XML source document (fooparam.xml), and returns the result.

Call JSP as follows:

http://localhost:port/xalanservlet/jspSample.jsp? XML=fooparam.xml&XSL=fooparam.xsl&PMA=GoodBye

The JSP obtains the PMA value "GoodBye" from the http request and passes it to the stylesheet as the paramValue argument in a Transformer setParameter() call.



What it does: servlet.XSLTServletWithParams takes parameters in the request -- a URL parameter for the XML input document URL and an xslURL parameter for the stylesheet URL.

To use XSLTServletWithParams to perform the same transformation as SimplestServlet: use birds.xsl and birds.xml as examples. Set up an HTML page to call the servlet as follows:

http://localhost:port/xalanservlet/XSLTServletWithParams?URL=birds.xml& xslURL=birds.xsl

If the XML document contains an associated stylesheet (a stylesheet Processing Instruction) that you want to use, simply omit the xslURL parameter.

If the stylesheet takes stylesheet parameters, you can include them in the URL. For example to set the param1 stylesheet parameter to foo, include param1=foo in the URL.



What it does: The client (which you must set up) specifies an XML document and a stylesheet. The servlet performs the transformation and returns the output to the client. You can use to specify which stylesheet is to be used depending on the client browser/device.

note The source files for this servlet, including,,,, booklist1.xsl, booklist2.xsl and catalog.xml, are provided for testing.

To run the servlet: set system property server.root=server root. Set up an HTML page to call servlet.ApplyXSLT with arguments as illustrated below.

The files catalog.xml, booklist1.xsl and booklist2.xsl are used in the following example. In the deployment descriptor, booklist1.xsl is set as the default xsl file. If you create these files yourself, make sure that you set the output method to "xml" in the stylesheet.


http://localhost:port/xalanservlet/ApplyXSLT?URL=/xalanservlet/catalog.xml&xslURL= /xalanservlet/booklist2.xsl

...applies the booklist2.xsl stylesheet to the catalog.xml data. Both files are
served from the Web server's HTTP document root.

http://localhost:port/xalanservlet/ApplyXSLT?URL=/xalanservlet/catalog.xml&xslURL= /xalanservlet/booklist2.xsl&debug=true

...ensures that XML and XSL processor messages are returned in the event of problems applying booklist2.xsl to catalog.xml


...applies the booklist2.xsl stylesheet to the catalog.xml data, just like the first example. This is an alternative way of specifying the XML XSLTInputSource by utilizing the HTTP request's path information.


...examines catalog.xml for an associated XSL stylesheet booklist1.xsl (a stylesheet Processing Instruction). If multiple XSLs are associated with the data, the stylesheet whose media attribute maps to your browser type will be chosen. If no mapping is successful, the primary associated stylesheet is used.



For an introduction to the creation and use of extension elements and extension functions, and for information about the extensions library distributed with the Xalan-Java Interpretive processor, see Extensions. Extensions are also supported for the Xalan-Java Compiling processor (XSLTC), however no samples exist at this time. See Extensions for XSLTC.

The extensions subdirectory contains six samples with Xalan-Java Interpretive extensions. Two of the samples use extensions implemented in JavaScript, and four of the samples use extensions implemented in Java.

To run these examples, you must place bsf.jar and js.jar (version 1.5, available from on the classpath. You do not need js.jar on the classpath for the samples that use Java extensions. Problems related to JDK 1.4 or higher.

Use, the Xalan-Java command-line utility, to run most of these samples from the command line. The command line must include an -in flag with the XML source and an -xsl flag with the XSL stylesheet. If you want the output to be written to a file, rather than to the screen, add an -out flag with the output file name.

Run these samples from the extensions directory as follows (each of the following is a single command line):



What it does: Uses the Redirect extension elements shipped with Xalan-Java to direct output to two output files.

Run this sample from the extensions subdirectory with

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in 1-redir.xml
  -xsl 1-redir.xsl

The standard (non-redirected) output is written to the screen. The redirected output is written to 1-redir-out, or whatever filename you assign to the doc/foo @file attribute in 1-redir.xml. The stylesheet gets the file name for redirected output from the XML input file.



What it does: Uses an extension element and extension function implemented in JavaScript to compute a deadline for responding to a customer inquiry.

note js.jar must be on the classpath.

Run this sample from the extensions subdirectory with

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in 2-basicJscript.xml
  -xsl 2-basicJscript.xsl



What it does: Uses extension functions to format dates. This sample illustrates use of the predefined java extension namespace to provide ready access to extensions implemented in Java.

Run this sample from the extensions subdirectory with

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in 3-java-namespace.xml
  -xsl 3-java-namespace.xsl



What it does: Uses a Java extension to transform a set of name elements into a numbered and alphabetized list.

Run this sample from the extensions subdirectory with

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in numlist.xml
  -xsl 4-numlistJava.xsl



What it does: Uses a JavaScript extension to transform a set of name elements into a numbered and alphabetized list. This sample performs the same operations as the preceding Java extension.

note js.jar must be on the classpath.

Run this sample from the extensions subdirectory with

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in numlist.xml
  -xsl 5-numlistJscript.xsl


SQL library extensions

The SQL library extension enables you to execute SQL queries from within a stylesheet, and to incorporate query result sets in the XML output. To use the SQL library, you need a JDBC driver, the underlying DBMS, and a database.

Our samples use Apache Derby DBMS, but the SQL Extensions and sample code can be configured to query data from any DBMS that can be accessed through JDBC.


Setting up the SQL extension samples

To run the SQL library extension samples, do the following:

The SQL Extension examples require the Apache Derby jars. The Derby jars are available from

The sample batch/script files are configured to look for the derby jars in the xml-xalan/java/samples/extensions/sql directory by default.

If you already have derby installed and want to use that implementation. You can do one of the following.

  1. set the environment variable DERBY_JAR_DIR to point to the location of derby.jar and derbytools.jar
  2. have the derby.jar and derbytools.jar in your classpath.

First create the sample database using Derby. To do this,

You can use the Derby tools to examine the raw database. To do this,

Once the sample database has been created, you can run the sample stylesheets using the runXalan script.


SQL Library samples



The Dump SQL example is used to show what data is available to the XSLT process.

To run the DumpSQL Example, execute the following command
runXalan.bat -XSL basic-connection/DumpSQL.xsl

Dump SQL should produce the following output:

        <column-header searchable="true" writable="false" signed="true" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="false" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="10" 
    column-typename="INTEGER" column-type="4" column-display-size="11" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="PRODUCTID" column-name="PRODUCTID"></column-header>
        <column-header searchable="true" writable="false" signed="false" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="true" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="40" 
    column-typename="VARCHAR" column-type="12" column-display-size="40" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="NAME" column-name="NAME"></column-header>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="true" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="false" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="10" 
    column-typename="INTEGER" column-type="4" column-display-size="11" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="PRODUCTID" column-name="PRODUCTID">1</col>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="false" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="true" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="40" 
    column-typename="VARCHAR" column-type="12" column-display-size="40" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="NAME" column-name="NAME">toothpaste</col>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="true" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="false" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="10" 
    column-typename="INTEGER" column-type="4" column-display-size="11" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="PRODUCTID" column-name="PRODUCTID">2</col>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="false" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="true" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="40" 
    column-typename="VARCHAR" column-type="12" column-display-size="40" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="NAME" column-name="NAME">milk</col>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="true" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="false" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="10" 
    column-typename="INTEGER" column-type="4" column-display-size="11" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="PRODUCTID" column-name="PRODUCTID">3</col>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="false" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="true" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="40" 
    column-typename="VARCHAR" column-type="12" column-display-size="40" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="NAME" column-name="NAME">bread</col>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="true" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="false" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="10" 
    column-typename="INTEGER" column-type="4" column-display-size="11" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="PRODUCTID" column-name="PRODUCTID">4</col>
        <col searchable="true" writable="false" signed="false" 
    nullable="true" definitely-writable="false" case-sensitive="true" 
    table-name="IMPORT1" schema-name="" scale="0" precision="40" 
    column-typename="VARCHAR" column-type="12" column-display-size="40" 
    catalogue-name="" column-label="NAME" column-name="NAME">cereal</col>



Contributed by John Gentilin (

What it does: illustrates two strategies for connecting to a database, executing a static query, and returning the query result.

The first strategy is to get connection information along with the static query from the stylesheet (dbtest.xsl)\ in the form of stylesheet parameters.

The second strategy is to get connection information from a nodeset in an XML source document (dbInfo.xml).

Set up the database, and run this sample from the extensions/sql/ directory.

1. To get connection information from the stylesheet:

runXalan -xsl basic-connection/dbtest.xsl -out import1.html

2. To get connection information in the form of a nodeset from the XML source document:

runXalan -in dbinfo.xml -xsl dbtest-cinfo.xsl -out import1.html



Contributed by John Gentilin (

What it does: The ExternalConnection classes uses the default implementation of the ConnectionPool interface to create a pool of connections. A stylesheet in turn uses a connection from this pool to instantiate an XConnection object and connect to a datasource.

The stylesheet uses this named connection pool to instantiate an XConnection object and connect to the datasource. The ExternalConnection class is in xalansamples.jar.

Set up the database, be sure xalanxamples.jar is on the class path, and run this sample from the extensions/sql directory:

runExtConnection ext-connection/dbtest.xsl

ExternalConnection creates the ConnectionPool, and performs a transformation with dbtest.xsl, which draws from the pool to instantiate an XConnection object, connect to the datasource, execute a static query, and return the query result.


Parameterized query

Contributed by John Gentilin (

What it does: connects to a datasource, executes a parameterized query, and returns the result. The XML source document provides the parameter value as well as the connection information. The parameter value is in a node in the XML source.

The stylesheet gets the required connection and parameter information from the XML source, sets up and executes the parameterized query, and retuns the query result set.

Set up the database, and run this sample from the sql subdirectory:

runXalan -in pquery/dbinfo.xml -xsl pquery/dbtest.xsl -out import1.html



Contributed by John Gentilin (

What it does: Illustrates enabling and disabling of a streamable result set returned by a query.

With a streamable result set, you can create a query that will return many rows but the result will only consume the amount of memory to represent a single row. As a benefit, you can perform transformations on large amounts of data while maintaining a low memory profile. On the down side, when you use streaming, you can NOT, visit previous nodes because the SQL extension only supports unidirectional cursors. If you requires that the whole query be available so that you can apply templates to previous rows, just disable caching.

Set up the database, and run these samples from the sql subdirectory.

1. An example where streaming is disabled:

runXalan -in streamable/dbinfo.xml -xsl streamable/cachedNodes.xsl -out import1.html

2. An example where streaming is enabled

runXalan -in streamable/dbinfo.xml -xsl streamable/streamNodes.xsl -out import1.html

3. This example performs a pivor function swaping rows and columns, streaming is required to be disabled here.

runXalan -in streamable/dbinfo.xml -xsl streamable/pivot.xsl -out import1.html



Contributed by John Gentilin (

What it does: use the SQL library ExtensionError class to return an error message in the output stream. The stylesheet calls a template with a select statement that returns a nodeset when an error occurs.

Set up the database, and run this sample from the extensions/sql subdirectory:

1. An example where we specify invalid connection information:

runXalan -in show-error/dbinfo.xml -xsl show-error/invalidConn.xsl -out import1.html

2. An example where we specify invalid parameters to a parameterized query:

runXalan -in show-error/dbinfo.xml -xsl show-error/invalidPQuery.xsl -out import1.html

3. An example where we specify an invlaid query:

runXalan -in show-error/dbinfo.xml -xsl show-error/invalidQuery.xsl -out import1.html



What it does: Trace uses the TraceListener and TraceManager classes to log transformation events.

Run this sample from the Trace subdirectory with

java Trace

and examine the result in events.log. Additionally, run this sample from the extensions subdirectory with

java Trace 3-java-namespace

for the trace of a stylesheet with extensions. For more information, see Debugger Interface





What it does: Uses SAXParserFactory to turn on validation, and XMLReader to parse the XML input and report errors and warnings to a SAX event handler. The XML input (birds.xml) contains an internal DOCTYPE declaration, and a few minor document type violations, which you are invited to fix, add to, and vary in any way you find useful.

Run this sample from the Validate subdirectory with

java ValidateXMLInput


Validate utility

What it does: Uses the JAXP SAXParser with a SAX event handler (extends DefaultHandler and implements LexicalHandler) to verify that XML files conform to their declared document type. You can use this utility to verify that an individual file or all the .xml files in a directory are well-formed and valid. Each .xml file should contain a DOCTYPE declaration.

Run this sample from any directory with

java Validate file-or-dir-name [ logfile ]

where file-or-dir-name is an XML file or directory pathname, and logfile designates a log. If you omit the second argument, Validate reports its findings to the screen.

note A limitation: Files containing document parts appear to fail if you check them with Validate. Check readme.xml, which "includes" by entity reference a number of files, and it passes. The parse operation scans the entire document with the includes. Check an "included" file (such as history.xml) as if it were an independent document and it fails.


trax (JAXP transform samples)

What it does: runs a number of samples illustrating uses of the JAXP transform interfaces.

Run this sample from the trax subdirectory with

java Examples

and examine the source in and



What it does: spawns multiple threads, with each thread running two transformations on two different XML files.

Run this sample from the TransformThread subdirectory with

java TransformThread

and examine the source in A more detailed description along with configuration options are listed in the header.



What it does: ApplyXPath uses the convenience methods in the Xalan-Java 2 specific XPathAPI to execute an XPath expression against an XML document and return the nodes (if any) it finds.

note You can use this sample as an aid when you want to find out what a given XPath expression returns from a given XML file. Keep in mind that the context node (base point of evaluation) for the XPath expression is the document root.

Run this sample from the ApplyXPath subdirectory with

java ApplyXPath XMLFile XPathExpression

where XMLFile is an XML source file and XPathExpression is an XPath expression to apply to that file. The ApplyXPath subdirectory contains an XML file named foo.xml --
     <doc><name first="David" last="Marston"/>...</doc>
-- so you can try command lines like

java ApplyXPath foo.xml /


java ApplyXPath foo.xml /doc/name/@first

For more information, see Working with XPath expressions.



What it does: ApplyXPathDOM is very similar to the ApplyXPath sample, but it uses the API in the DOM Level 3 XPath Specification to execute an XPath expression against an XML document and return the nodes (if any) it finds.

note You can use this sample as an aid when you want to find out what a given XPath expression returns from a given XML file. Keep in mind that the context node (base point of evaluation) for the XPath expression is the document root.

Run this sample from the ApplyXPathDOM subdirectory with

java ApplyXPathDOM XMLFile XPathExpression

where XMLFile is an XML source file and XPathExpression is an XPath expression to apply to that file. The ApplyXPathDOM subdirectory contains an XML file named foo.xml --
     <doc><name first="David" last="Marston"/>...</doc>
-- so you can try command lines like

java ApplyXPathDOM foo.xml /


java ApplyXPathDOM foo.xml /doc/name/@first

For more information, see Working with XPath expressions.



What it does: ApplyXPathJAXP is similar to the ApplyXPath sample, but it uses the XPath API in JAXP 1.3 to evaluate an XPath expression against an XML document and return the evaluation result in the specified type.

Run this sample from the XPathAPI subdirectory with

java ApplyXPathJAXP XMLFile XPathExpression ReturnType

where XMLFile is an XML source file, XPathExpression is an XPath expression to apply to that file, and ReturnType is one of the strings from the list {"num", "bool", "str", "node", "nodeset"} designating the return type of the evaluation. The XPathAPI subdirectory contains an XML file named foo.xml. So you can try command lines like

java ApplyXPathJAXP foo.xml /doc/name[1]/@last str


java ApplyXPathJAXP foo.xml /doc/name nodeset



What it does: XPathResolver provides sample implementations of the NamespaceContext, XPathFunctionResolver and XPathVariableResolver interfaces described in the JAXP 1.3 XPath API. The sample demonstrates how these implementations can be used to to evaluate XPath expressions that contain extension functions and references to variables.

Run this sample from the XPathAPI subdirectory with

java XPathResolver



What it does: ExtensionFunctionResolver demonstrates how to use the sample implementation of XPathFunctionResolver to evaluate XPath expressions containing Java or EXSLT extension functions.

To run this sample from the XPathAPI subdirectory, you need to compile first and put the XPathAPI directory on your classpath. Run the sample using

java ExtensionFunctionResolver



You can use the JAXP interfaces to compile and run translets. For an overview of the usage patterns these samples illustrate, see Calling XSLTC with the JAXP API.



What it does: Uses the XSLTC TransformerFactory to compile a translet and use the translet to transform the XSLTC to-do list from XML into HTML.

Run this sample from the translets subdirectory with

java JAXPTransletOneTransformation

View the result in todo.html.



What it does: Uses the XSLTC TransformerFactory to compile a translet and use the Templates object associated with the translet to transform the XSLTC and Xalan to-do lists from XML into HTML.

Run this sample from the translets subdirectory with

java JAXPTransletMultipleTransformations

View the results in todo.html and todotoo.html.


Other XSLTC samples

Other XSLTC samples are located in the following samples subdirectories:

For information about each of these samples, consult the README file in the subdirectory.

XSLTC provides demos for using XSLTC as a servlet and as a handler for Brazil (a new and powerful Web techology from Sun labs).

To run the Brazil-handler demo, download Brazil from sunlabs:

The translet must be specified as a pure class name, accessible through the Brazil-handler's classpath. For example:


The document must be specified as a valid URL. For example:


If the file is local to the Brazil handler, it has to be specified using the "file:filename.xml" format.

note In order to run the Brazil-handler demo, you also need to make the Brazil and javax classes available from your classpath

To run the servlet demo, download the java extensions for servlets from Sun:
