Uses of Interface

Packages that use XSLTVisitable
org.apache.xalan.processor Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object). 
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 

Uses of XSLTVisitable in org.apache.xalan.processor

Classes in org.apache.xalan.processor that implement XSLTVisitable
(package private)  class ProcessorAttributeSet
          This class processes parse events for an xsl:attribute-set.
 class ProcessorCharacters
          This class processes character events for a XSLT template element.
(package private)  class ProcessorDecimalFormat
          Process xsl:decimal-format by creating a DecimalFormatProperties object and passing it to the stylesheet.
 class ProcessorExsltFuncResult
          This class processes parse events for an exslt func:result element.
 class ProcessorExsltFunction
          This class processes parse events for an exslt func:function element.
(package private)  class ProcessorGlobalParamDecl
          This class processes parse events for an xsl:param element.
(package private)  class ProcessorGlobalVariableDecl
          This class processes parse events for an xsl:variable element.
 class ProcessorImport
          This class processes parse events for an xsl:import element.
 class ProcessorInclude
          TransformerFactory class for xsl:include markup.
(package private)  class ProcessorKey
          TransformerFactory for xsl:key markup.
 class ProcessorLRE
          Processes an XSLT literal-result-element, or something that looks like one.
(package private)  class ProcessorNamespaceAlias
          TransformerFactory for xsl:namespace-alias markup.
(package private)  class ProcessorOutputElem
          TransformerFactory for xsl:output markup.
(package private)  class ProcessorPreserveSpace
          TransformerFactory for xsl:preserve-space markup.
(package private)  class ProcessorStripSpace
          TransformerFactory for xsl:strip-space markup.
 class ProcessorStylesheetDoc
          This class processes the xsl:stylesheet element.
 class ProcessorStylesheetElement
          TransformerFactory for xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform markup.
(package private)  class ProcessorTemplate
          TransformerFactory for xsl:template markup.
 class ProcessorTemplateElem
          This class processes parse events for an XSLT template element.
 class ProcessorText
          Process xsl:text.
 class ProcessorUnknown
          This class processes an unknown template element.
 class WhitespaceInfoPaths
 class XSLTElementProcessor
          This class acts as the superclass for all stylesheet element processors, and deals with things that are common to all elements.

Uses of XSLTVisitable in org.apache.xalan.templates

Classes in org.apache.xalan.templates that implement XSLTVisitable
 class AVT
          Class to hold an Attribute Value Template.
 class AVTPart
          Class to hold a part, either a string or XPath, of an Attribute Value Template.
 class AVTPartSimple
          Simple string part of a complex AVT.
 class AVTPartXPath
          Simple string part of a complex AVT.
 class DecimalFormatProperties
          Implement xsl:decimal-format.
 class ElemApplyImport
          Implement xsl:apply-imports.
 class ElemApplyTemplates
          Implement xsl:apply-templates.
 class ElemAttribute
          Implement xsl:attribute.
 class ElemAttributeSet
          Implement xsl:attribute-set.
 class ElemCallTemplate
          Implement xsl:call-template.
 class ElemChoose
          Implement xsl:choose.
 class ElemComment
          Implement xsl:comment.
 class ElemCopy
          Implement xsl:copy.
 class ElemCopyOf
          Implement xsl:copy-of.
 class ElemElement
          Implement xsl:element
 class ElemEmpty
          Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly.
 class ElemExsltFuncResult
          Handles the EXSLT result element within an EXSLT function element.
 class ElemExsltFunction
          Implement func:function.
 class ElemExtensionCall
          Implement an extension element.
 class ElemExtensionDecl
          Implement the declaration of an extension element
 class ElemExtensionScript
          Implement Script extension element
 class ElemFallback
          Implement xsl:fallback.
 class ElemForEach
          Implement xsl:for-each.
 class ElemIf
          Implement xsl:if.
 class ElemLiteralResult
          Implement a Literal Result Element.
 class ElemMessage
          Implement xsl:message.
 class ElemNumber
          Implement xsl:number.
 class ElemOtherwise
          Implement xsl:otherwise.
 class ElemParam
          Implement xsl:param.
 class ElemPI
          Implement xsl:processing-instruction.
 class ElemSort
          Implement xsl:sort.
 class ElemTemplate
          Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemTemplateElement
          An instance of this class represents an element inside an xsl:template class.
 class ElemText
          Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemTextLiteral
          Implement a text literal.
 class ElemUnknown
          Implement an unknown element
 class ElemUse
          Implement xsl:use.
 class ElemValueOf
          Implement xsl:value-of.
 class ElemVariable
          Implement xsl:variable.
 class ElemVariablePsuedo
 class ElemWhen
          Implement xsl:when.
 class ElemWithParam
          Implement xsl:with-param.
 class KeyDeclaration
          Holds the attribute declarations for the xsl:keys element.
 class NamespaceAlias
          Object to hold an xsl:namespace element.
 class OutputProperties
          This class provides information from xsl:output elements.
 class Stylesheet
          Represents a stylesheet element.
 class StylesheetComposed
          Represents a stylesheet that has methods that resolve includes and imports.
 class StylesheetRoot
          This class represents the root object of the stylesheet tree.
 class WhiteSpaceInfo
          This is used as a special "fake" template that can be handled by the TemplateList to do pattern matching on nodes.