Uses of Interface

Packages that use EncodingInfo.InEncoding
org.apache.xml.serializer Processes SAX events into streams. 

Uses of EncodingInfo.InEncoding in org.apache.xml.serializer

Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer that implement EncodingInfo.InEncoding
private  class EncodingInfo.EncodingImpl
          This class implements the

Fields in org.apache.xml.serializer declared as EncodingInfo.InEncoding
private  EncodingInfo.InEncoding EncodingInfo.EncodingImpl.m_after
          The object, of the same type as this one, that handles unicode values in a range after the range explictly handled by this object, and to which this object may delegate.
private  EncodingInfo.InEncoding EncodingInfo.EncodingImpl.m_before
          The object, of the same type as this one, that handles unicode values in a range before the range explictly handled by this object, and to which this object may delegate.
private  EncodingInfo.InEncoding EncodingInfo.m_encoding
          A helper object that we can ask if a single char, or a surrogate UTF-16 pair of chars that form a single character, is in this encoding.